
Investigative Interviewing for Coercive Examinations

Excellent presentation and so relevant and right. Shows the need for continual training to not only improve but maintain skills.Fabulous session. Very much focuses on the practicality of needing to utilise what we learn. Engaging presenter.
testimonial Renee MyKludo professional development for investigators, the Whole Story, investigating sexual offences
Principle Investigator

Course overview

Investigative Interviewing for Coercive Examinations

Coercive examinations are a common means of interviewing witnesses and suspects in Australia in connection with criminal, corruption and regulatory investigations.

Despite their superficial similarity to court proceedings, they are investigative (rather than adversarial) in nature and benefit from an investigative approach to questioning. In this presentation Chris discusses the nature and legislation concerning coercive interviews. He also examines how the PEACE model of interviewing has been adapted and how to address reluctant witnesses who use lies and ‘I don’t recall’ to divert investigations. 

This session was originally presented during the MyKludo Virtual Investigations Conference held 6-8 December 2021.


Chris Bonnici


Chris Bonnici

Chris Bonnici is the Deputy Public Interest Monitor for the State of Victoria. 

He has previously conducted over 1300 coercive examinations into organised crime and counter-terrorism as counsel assisting the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) — overwhelmingly resistant witnesses. He is trained in the PEACE model of investigative interviewing in Australia and the UK to interview adviser level (level 4) and taught that model to the staff of numerous government agencies including the ACIC. 

Chris was previously a Commonwealth prosecutor and a criminal defence advocate at legal aid and Aboriginal legal aid organisations in NT and SA.